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Fusion report creates global media coverage, shapes funding and policy

Fusion Industry Association

Screenshot of the global fusion industry report


To showcase the emerging fusion industry’s potential to governments, investors, and the public, in order to shape future policy and investment decisions in the long-term interests of fusion.

3D rendering of a tokamak reactor


  • Starting in 2020, we designed a survey, (now issued annually) to private fusion companies around the world, to understand their funding status, progress, and challenges.
  • From an analysis of responses – alongside interviews with individual experts – we create a yearly report that delivers original insights into fusion funding, technology advances, and commercial timescales.
  • Designed the report, including visualisation of data and atomisation for social media.
  • Launched each report to business, finance, and engineering media.
  • Report data used by the FIA for presentations at fusion industry and government meetings.
Inside a fusion energy chamber


  • International coverage achieved every year, including in the Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Times, Time, the New York Times, and a raft of nuclear, engineering, and science trade publications.
  • Thought leadership by-lines secured and written in energy and engineering trade media.
  • Report data widely cited in global fusion policy proposals and communications including the UK fusion energy strategy and White House announcements, and by the International Atomic Energy Agency’s Fusion Outlook report.
  • FIA membership increased from 18 in 2021 to 38 in 2024, and an affiliate membership for the fusion supply chain, started in 2021, now has over 80 members, with the report cited as a reason for enquiring about membership in most enquiries.
  • The report has been produced annually since 2020, becoming an anticipated event in fusion, and a key point of reference in media articles and fusion events throughout the year.

Andrew Holland, CEO, Fusion Industry Association, said:

“These reports gave us a unique and evidenced position that is helping us shape global funding and policy decisions for this emerging energy technology”

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